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Love is displayed and received differently for everyone, but we can break these acts of love down into five primary displays, also known as Love Languages. In an article by Healthline, they discuss each of the five ways that people express their love and give the reader the opportunity to find what love language they like to be on the receiving end of, as the language of love is specific to every individual.
JYSK Canada is always striving to make life seamless and easy for our customers, that is why we’ve taken it upon ourselves to act as your very own Cupid this Valentine’s Day! Take the pressure out of gift giving and let JYSK help you find the perfect budget-friendly love language gift this Valentines Day based on each of the five love languages.
Quality Time:

Life can often become overwhelming, with work, family, and other outside forces piling up. It is easy to slip into a funk and forget to take a moment to spend quality time with your loved one.
A great Valentine’s Day gift for someone whose love language is quality time can be a romantic, homemade dinner. This is the perfect opportunity to focus on one another and ensure that your partner feels important, loved, and special. Make your dining experience extra special for the holiday by decorating your dining table with care. Use a tablecloth to set the tone and create an upscale dining experience. Our RIMINI tablecloths in red and white are a perfect way to stay in the Valentine's theme, paired with the matching napkins and you’re sure to leave your partner impressed. Of course, it doesn’t end there. Bring candles into the décor to create the perfect ambiance. Candle holders, like KEVIN, make for elegant Valentine’s Day décor and pair nicely with taper candles, providing you with romantic lighting throughout your evening.
Acts of Service:

A common phrase to remember, no matter the day, is actions speak louder than words. Sometimes the greatest gift you can give a loved one is to ensure they know that you’ve been thinking about them. The love language of acts of service isn’t always about grand gestures but focuses more on the thoughtfulness that is behind the gesture.
There are so many wonderful ways that you can use acts of service to make Valentine’s Day, and every day, special for your loved one. Make your partner’s preferred choice of coffee or tea in the morning, preparing it in their favourite mug! Draw them a relaxing bath and give the bathroom a romantic touch. Use our pink KARLSTAD bath towels and FAGERSTA bathmat for a Valentine’s Day atmosphere. Messy and cluttered space? Take on the task yourself and tidy up. Look through our home organization tips article to help you get started. Prepare your living room for a romantic movie night by adding in touches of Valentine’s Day appropriate décor. Use pink or red items like our chic CUORE heart cushion throw cushion or the soft and cozy CAIRO knit throw blanket, both perfect for cuddling up with during a movie night where you let your partner pick the film.
Physical Touch:

Sometimes all we need is a warm hug, or to hold our loved one’s hand to show and feel the love. If your partner’s love language is physical touch, then a great gift for them would be a warm and cozy throw blanket. Our KRATTIFIOL throw blanket is the perfect size for a lazy morning cuddled up in bed together, or our faux fur MARNA blanket works perfectly for a cozy night on the couch.
Receiving Gifts:

We can often misconstrue this love language as being greedy, but it goes way beyond that. If your partner or loved one’s love language is receiving gifts, then what they are usually looking for are small and meaningful tokens of affection. Thoughtful gifts to show that you know this person well and were thinking about them.
Go the sentimental route for this Valentine’s Day gift. Create a photo memory collage with our VIKTOR gallery wall frame set or gift them a beautiful piece of wall art that reminds you of them. Have you noticed that your partner has been working extra hard lately? Show them you’ve taken note and gift them our KLUANE slippers so they are able to relax in comfort.
Words of Affirmation:
We all love hearing affectionate words of love and encouragement from our loved ones, and it’s an easy gift to give someone. Tell your person just how much they mean to you this Valentine’s Day in a fun and creative way! Create a sentimental valentines day gift with the help of our products. PALLE is a fun and creative way to relay a cute and thoughtful message.
Another fun way to express your feelings is to create an art piece using any of JYSK Canada’s blank canvases. You can also use this as an opportunity to spend quality time together by setting up a paint night for you and your partner. Add in your favourite snacks and a bottle of wine for a fun-filled evening!
Each person is unique in how they show love, also how they receive it. Love language gifts show your partner just how well you know them and will ensure a happy and romantic Valentine’s Day for all! Shop in-store or online today!